

導(dǎo)讀:1 be determined by 由…所決定 2 have something to do with 與…有關(guān)

1. be determined by 由…所決定 

2. have something to do with 與…有關(guān) 

3. be central to sth. 是…的核心

4. in contrast/by contrast與此相反 

5. be due to 由于(常做表語(yǔ)) 

6. be deprived of 被剝奪 

7. respond to 對(duì)…作出反應(yīng)

8. as the basis of 依據(jù)/根據(jù)

9. be born with 天生具有 

10. In contrast 相比之下 

11. shut off 關(guān)上,停止,切斷  

12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎樣,無(wú)論如何; in no case 決不

13. or so 大概,大約

14. at the rate of 以…的速率

15. take time 花費(fèi)時(shí)間

16. be likely to 可能;傾向于 

17. result in 導(dǎo)致 

18. not nearly 遠(yuǎn)不能;遠(yuǎn)非

19. head into走向;陷入(危機(jī))  

20. in the matter of 關(guān)于;就…而言

21. make…possible 使…成為可能

22. combine…with 把……和…結(jié)合起來(lái);加上  

23. in the fashion of 以…方式 

24. such…as 像…一樣

25. refer to…提到;談到 

26. agreement on 一致意見(jiàn)

27. be comparable to 和…相當(dāng);猶如

28. in terms of 根據(jù);按照;在…方面

29. on the whole 總體來(lái)說(shuō);大體上看

30. draw a conclusion 得出結(jié)論