

導(dǎo)讀:名校MBA申請中最為關(guān)鍵的,除了文書外就是面試?;旧螹7 School都會設(shè)計面試來選拔學生。分數(shù),簡歷,essay決定了申請者能不能拿到面試,而只有通過面試,才可以最終拿下錄取。

不同學校會設(shè)計不同的面試來篩選申請者,有的甚至要求先進行小組群面,再進行單獨面試。盡管面試發(fā)的很多,但面試的淘汰率還是很高,根據(jù)學校不同,一般是面試錄取率保持在20-60%左右。所以,拿到面試通知甚至還不能篤定地說自己拿到了conditional offer。

Admissions decisions sometimes rest on how well you do during the interview.

對于英語也不是母語的學生來說,這一環(huán)節(jié)尤其困難。那么面試這一部分就成為花時間最多的部分。要記住,MBA的面試形式是behavior interview,是關(guān)于生活以及工作的。搜集面經(jīng)雖然有用,但回答需要自己去好好構(gòu)思。

首先,要清楚面試的核心目的。MBA項目的interview問題主要是了解你,而不是為了考你一個非常細節(jié)的專業(yè)知識,大家可以用story-base的思路去準備,很多問題萬變不離其宗,比如tell me about yourself, what are your biggest weakness/strengths,where do you see yourself in 10 years,這類都是自我了解類型的題目。大家有必要去素材比較豐富的ChaseDream論壇搜索下這類問題的100種不同問法。以下列舉下business school最常問的若干問題:


Tell me about yourself.

Your answer should be 2-3 minutes long. Talk briefly about:

Your undergraduate education and why you chose the major you did

Your work experience and accomplishments

Your career goals

Why do you want to earn a graduate business degree?

Explain in detail your motivation for pursuing a graduate business degree and how the degree will further your career goals. Emphasize how this degree is a critical part of your career plan.

Why are you interested in this school/program?

List all the reasons the school/program is ideally suited for you, from location to faculty to coursework to the school’s connections with specific industries and companies that match your career goals.

Why should we admit you?

Talk about your academic and professional accomplishments and how they make you an ideal fit for the program. Then discuss how this specific program will help you achieve your career goals.

Talk about your accomplishments as a leader.

Have several leadership examples prepared, both from work and in your volunteer and community roles.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Addressing strengths is fairly easy. Pick three that you feel set you apart and that you can back up with examples. As for weaknesses, turn your shortcomings into strengths. For example, you could explain how your impatience allows you to get things done quickly.

Do you have any questions about the school or program?

Have a selection of specific program or school-related questions ready, which shows that you are a serious candidate and have done your research. Avoid questions that are easily addressed by reviewing the school’s website or print collateral.







The best strategy for approaching an interview is by preparing and practicing for your interview.

記住,背答案的你和從容不迫的你會在考官心目中留下不同的印象分,你的英語可以有些許語法和口語問題,但盡量在氣場上做到從容、不緊張、不尷尬。要知道, MBA本身錄取的是有一定工作經(jīng)歷的職場人士,如果對著一個面試官犯緊張,那么即使你把你想說的全部事無巨細地表達到了,也會給自己扣分。

小編也在此和大家分享一些面試回答時的小技巧。在講故事的時候適當運用PAR結(jié)構(gòu),也就是面試中常用的problem action result,不知道怎么回答的時候,快速像個例子,action做了什么,你的行為到底產(chǎn)生了什么影響,這是面試中最常用到的小技巧。

掌握上述思路后,有必要通過背誦來練習一則確定百搭的小故事,也可以打亂順序,每天即興對著鏡子來一段自我介紹或者經(jīng)歷描述或者見個小段子,都能讓自己的演說口才變得流利且從容不迫,當然最好的訓練方式就是mock interview。