


  1、about 關(guān)于;在周圍;在···附近
  注意:about 與around兩個詞均有“在···周圍”的含義,但about強調(diào)的是“在···附近”,而around則有“圍繞、環(huán)繞”的意思。大家對此要注意區(qū)分。
  2、across 橫越;跨越;在對面
  固定搭配:across the country 遍及全國的
  例:(2009年英二真題)And driving habits began to change, as sales of small cars jumped and mass transport systems ___40___ the country reported a sharp increase in riders.
  A for B from C across D over
  本題即非常典型的介詞與名詞構(gòu)成固定搭配“across the country”,考查介詞使用的題型。
  3、against 反對;靠著;以···為對手或背景
  固定搭配:against one’s will 違背某人的意愿;against the background of ... 以···為背景
  例:One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred ________ the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand.
  A on B about C across D against
  4、for 為···;作為···的原因或理由;表示一段時間或距離;贊成;作為···
  固定搭配:blame sth for 因為···而怪罪···
  例:Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get, the less you remember? Well, sort of. But as time goes by, we tend to blame age ______problems that are not necessarily age-related.
  A since B for C by D because
  本題考查的是固定搭配“blame sth for”。