

導(dǎo)讀:Today’s Zhishang Word of the Week is Feedback, or Fankui There’s a basic concept I teach all of our new staff That concept is, The Learning Is In The Feedback 今天的本周職商詞匯是“反饋”。我對所有新員工都會傳達一個基本觀念,那就是“學習在于反饋”。



Because consider this. How do you know if you’re doing something the right way. Or if you’re doing an excellent job, good job, or not-so-good job? How do you find out if there’s a more efficient, faster, or smarter way to do what you’re doing?


The answer is, you don’t know unless somebody gives you feedback to confirm what you’re doing or let you know what you can do better.


So I tell people, if you want to learn and improve faster, seek out feedback in everything you do. Sometimes, others will offer it to you. But in most cases, they don’t. If you’re not producing good work for your boss, he can just choose someone else for the next good opportunity that comes up. If you don’t deliver a good result to your client, they’ll just pick another vendor, and you’ll never know why. So especially in situations where you’re not successful, ask the other party for their feedback and comments. That’s how you learn to do it better next time.


So if you want to improve faster and achieve a more successful career, be someone who seeks out and embraces feedback.
