

導(dǎo)讀:筒子們,愉快的長(zhǎng)假開(kāi)始,大家有什么打算呢?是在家復(fù)習(xí)呢,還是在家復(fù)習(xí)呢? 雪中送炭、錦上添花,小編搜集了一些英語(yǔ)備考資料來(lái)分享,祝大家愉快地度過(guò)這個(gè)假期。


1. be determined by  由…所決定
2. have something to do with  與…有關(guān)
3. be central to sth.  是…的核心
4. in contrast/by contrast  與此相反
5. be due to  由于(常做表語(yǔ))
6. be deprived of  被剝奪
7. respond to  對(duì)…作出反應(yīng)
8. as the basis of  依據(jù)/根據(jù)
9. be born with  天生具有
10. In contrast  相比之下
11. shut off  關(guān)上,停止,切斷
12. in any case=at any rate  不管怎樣,無(wú)論如何; in no case 決不
13. or so  大概,大約
14. at the rate of  以…的速率
15. take time  花費(fèi)時(shí)間
16. be likely to  可能;傾向于
17. result in  導(dǎo)致
18. not nearly  遠(yuǎn)不能;遠(yuǎn)非
19. head into  走向;陷入(危機(jī))
20. in the matter of  關(guān)于;就…而言
21. make…possible  使…成為可能
22. combine…with  把……和…結(jié)合起來(lái);加上
23. in the fashion of  以…方式
24. such…as  像…一樣
25. refer to…  提到;談到
26. agreement on  一致意見(jiàn)
27. be comparable to  和…相當(dāng);猶如
28. in terms of  根據(jù);按照;在…方面
29. on the whole  總體來(lái)說(shuō);大體上看
30. draw a conclusion  得出結(jié)論
31. have the attitude towards  對(duì)…的態(tài)度
32. only if  只要
33. the same…as  與…一樣
34. by lack of=for lack of  因?yàn)槿狈?/div>
35. nothing but  只不過(guò)是
36. by means of  通過(guò);借助于
37. by the help of  通過(guò)…的幫助
38. in a sort of sense  從某種意義上來(lái)說(shuō)
39. manage to do sth.  設(shè)法做到
40. extract …from  從……提煉出
41. out of…  起源;來(lái)源;根據(jù)
42. build up  建立;樹(shù)立
43. by no means  絕不
44. be compared with  與……相比
45. a sort of  某種
46. set…… in motion  開(kāi)始
47. differ in… 在…方面不同
48. go through  經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)受;仔細(xì)檢查
49. in the one case =on the one hand
50. in the course of the day=during the day
51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of
52. revolve around  圍繞…轉(zhuǎn); 以…為中心
53. not so much…as  與其說(shuō)…不如說(shuō)…
54. because of  由于
55. move forward  向前發(fā)展
56. in short  簡(jiǎn)而言之;總之
57. as we call it  我們所謂的
58. the reach of science  科學(xué)能夠到達(dá)的范圍
59. a series of  一系列
60. over the years  多年以來(lái)
61. turn…on…  轉(zhuǎn)向,朝向
62. rather than  而不是
63. at the expense of=at the cost of  以…為代價(jià)
64. vice versa  反之亦然
65. depend on  取決于
66. driving force  驅(qū)動(dòng)力
67. social inequality  社會(huì)不公
68. in doing sth  在…過(guò)程中
69. divert…from  把…從…轉(zhuǎn)移
70. lie with  取決于;在于
71. be validated by  被…驗(yàn)證/證實(shí)
72. whether…or  是……還是
73. depend upon…and on  取決于…還取決于…
74. depend upon…and upon  取決于…還取決于…
75. such…as  例如,象這種的
76. in general  通常;大體上;一般而言
77. for example  比如
78. compensate for  補(bǔ)償;賠償
79. underprivileged youngster 貧困的/下層社會(huì)的年輕人
80. grow up  長(zhǎng)大
81. under…circumstances  在…環(huán)境下



