

導(dǎo)讀:筒子們,愉快的長假開始,大家有什么打算呢?是在家復(fù)習(xí)呢,還是在家復(fù)習(xí)呢?今天小編要為你送上 第二波MBA考研英語常見詞組干貨。

82. be results of  由于…
83. social needs  社會需求
84. to some extent  在一定程度上
85. come to the conclusion  得出結(jié)論
86. make demand of  對…提出要求
87. scientific establishment  科研機(jī)構(gòu)
88. in detail  詳細(xì)地
89. a certain amount of  一定數(shù)量的
90. not related to…  與…沒有關(guān)系
91. immediate goals  當(dāng)前目標(biāo)
92. be unable to do  不能夠…
93. in principle  原則上;基本上;一般而言
94. deal with  應(yīng)付;解決;處理
95. new forms of thought  新的思維方式
96. as well as  和
97. new subjects for thought  新的思維對象/內(nèi)容
98. in the past  過去
99. give rise to sth  導(dǎo)致;引起;使…產(chǎn)生
100. scoial contract  社會合同
101. an agreed account of  共識
102. human rights  人權(quán)
103. leads ……to  導(dǎo)致
104. at the outset  從一開始;開始的時(shí)候
105. invite sb. to do sth.  使某人認(rèn)為
106. duties and entitlements  權(quán)利和義務(wù)
107. extend to  給與
108. no…at all.  根本不是
109. arguing from the view that… 以…的角度看
110. different from……  與…不同
111. in every relevant respect  在所有相關(guān)的方面
112. in action  起作用
113. laugh at  嘲笑
114. even more important  更重要的是
115. be able to  能夠
116. look into  洞察;觀察
117. put forward  放出;拿出;提出
118. work with  與…共事/合作;起作用
119. close in on  接近,差不多
120. as expected  正如預(yù)期的
121. a refinement of  一種更為完美的
122. as…as…  和…一樣
123. conform to  符合;遵照
124. see…as  把…看作
125. less…and more  與其說…不如說…
126. intellectual discipline  知識學(xué)科
127. whether…or  是…還是…
128. refer to  指代…
129. peculiar  to …特有的
130. appropriate to  適合的;恰當(dāng)?shù)?/div>
131. apply to  適合于;存在于
132. view…as  把…看成;把…當(dāng)成
133. equate…with  把…等同于…;認(rèn)為…是
134. speclialized scientists  專家
135. centralized control  中央控制
136. under…conditions  在…條件下
137. such as  比如
138. it is obvious that  很明顯…
139. be bound up with  與…聯(lián)系在一起;與…有關(guān)系
140. be directly bound up with  與…直接相關(guān)
141. in turn  依此;輪流;又
142. rest upon… 取決于
143. of all kinds  所有種類的…
144. owing to  由于
145. be exposed to sth.  暴露于;接觸到
146. be forced to do sth.  被迫做…
147. for the reasons given above  由于上述原因
148. far-reaching  意義深遠(yuǎn)的;影響很大的
149. spread over  遍布;覆蓋
150. arise from  由…產(chǎn)生的;由…帶來的
151. migration movement  人口流動
152. modern means of transport  現(xiàn)代交通手段
153. population explosion  人口爆炸
154. pollution monitor  污染監(jiān)測器
155. digital age  數(shù)字時(shí)代
156. be regarded as… 被當(dāng)成是
157. piece together  拼合;匯聚;綜合
158. hundreds of  數(shù)以百計(jì)的
159. around the world  全世界
160. key breakthroughs and discoveries  重大突破與發(fā)現(xiàn)
161. take place  發(fā)生
162. point out  指出
163. lead to  導(dǎo)致
164. home appliances  家用電器
165. result in  導(dǎo)致
166. man-machine integration  人機(jī)一體化



