


1. 人得有點人性;之所以為人,總得有點人的臭德行。

It is OK to have some bad habits, and that’s what makes us human.

2. 你能救贖別人,何時才能讓自己解脫。

You can save others, but when will you set yourself free?

3. 一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)英雄也會落井,投石的人將格外勇敢,人群會格外擁擠。

Once people find a hero down, they would be more eager to hit him.

4. 一個始終不被善待的人,最能識得善良,也最能珍視善良。

Someone who has never been treated kindly is most likely to recognize goodness and cherish it.

5. 不要總顧慮著別人,畢竟做自己才是一件瀟灑的事情。

Don’t be always concerned about others. After all, being yourself is the most natural thing.

*be concerned about:關(guān)心、掛念

6. 一生這么漫長,找一個合得來的人過,比什么都重要。

Since one's lifetime is so long, it is paramount to live with someone compatible.


7. 在當(dāng)今社會,也許做一個精致的利己主義者的幸福感會遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)高于做一個善良過剩的劉峰。

In modern society, it probably makes one happier to be a delicate egoist than to be an overly kind-hearted Liu Feng.

*a delicate egoist:一個精致的利己主義者

*overly kind-hearted:過分善良的

8. 那個時候做王八蛋,覺得比正經(jīng)人還正經(jīng)。

At that time, it felt more serious to be a jerk than to be a serious person.


9. 從不需要想起,也從來不需要忘記。

It never needs to be remembered, nor does it need to be forgotten.

10. 我不禁想到,一代人的芳華已逝,面目全非,雖然他們談笑如故,可還是不難看出歲月給每個人帶來的改變。倒是劉峰和小萍顯得更為知足,話雖不多,卻待人溫和。原諒我不愿讓你們看到我們老去的樣子,就讓熒幕,留住我們芬芳的年華吧。

I cannot help but think that a generation’s youth has long gone and their appearances have changed beyond recognition. Although they can talk and laugh like before, it is not difficult to see years change everyone. Nevertheless, Liu feng and Xiao ping seemed more content. Without talking too much, they were nice to others. Please forgive me that I don’t want you to see our aged faces. Just let the screen to keep our youth.

*recognition:n. 認(rèn)出

*content:adj. 知足的

