





  The student who is talking with the monitor is Lucy。/The student talking with the monitor is Lucy。

  A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words。/A dictionary is a book giving the meaning of words。

  The man who is wearing a white suit is my friend。/The man wearing a white suit is my friend。

  The bike and its rider that had run over an old man were taken to the police station。/The bike and its rider having run over an old man were taken to the police station。

  Have you ever visited the Great Wall,which attracts thousands of tourists each year?/Have you ever visited the Great Wall, attracting thousands of tourists each year?


  This is the pen which was given by my friend。/This is the pen given by my friend。

  The animal that/which is lost is a panda。/The animal lost is a panda。


  When you think you know nothing,then you begin to know something。/ Thinking you know nothing,then you begin to know something。

  After we have finished the work,we went home。/Having finished the work,we went home。



  We used computer in order that we might save time。/We used computer in order to save time。

  I hire a boat so that i could go fishing。/I hire a boat so as to go fishing。

  In order that you may create such a picture, you have to possess certain artistic weapons。/In order to create such a picture, you have to possess certain artistic weapons。


  He arrived late so that he missed the train。 / He arrived late so as to miss the train。

  He wrote so carefully that he made no mistakes。 / He wrote so carefully as to make no mistakes。


  This is the meeting which will be held next week。/This is the meeting to be held next week。


  It is said that our school will be rebuilt。/Our school to be rebuilt is said。



  It is certain that she will come to the discussion。/Her coming to the discussion is certain。


  My idea is that you should make good use of your time。/Making good use of your time is my idea。


  I am sure that she will come and join us。/I am sure her coming and joining us。

  He is pleased that he passed a tough test。/He is pleased his passing a tough test。



  2、 狀語從句提升為動詞分詞和動詞不定式結構時,要遵循主從句主語一致的原則;

  3、 名詞性從句提升為動名詞或動詞不定式時,連接主從句的連接詞that在從句中不充當成分。