


首先,我們要背下這幾種句子類(lèi)型.因?yàn)闊o(wú)論你寫(xiě)什么作文 都會(huì)用到以下這幾種句子.

1. 結(jié)果類(lèi)
exert A on B
A-a great impact/ a positive influence/ a negative impact
Eg: Family education may exert a great impact on children’s behavior.
對(duì)于結(jié)果類(lèi)的句子大家都習(xí)慣用“have a great impact/a positive influence on”很少用“exert a great impact/ a positive influence/ a negative impact on”,如果大家以后關(guān)于結(jié)果類(lèi)的句型都用“exert”這個(gè)單詞,是不是給自己的作文加分了呢?
2. 見(jiàn)證類(lèi)
The past several years have witnessed .......
Eg: The past several years have witnessed an exponential increase in the number of cars.
在寫(xiě)作文的時(shí)候我們經(jīng)常會(huì)用到一些背景句,我們?cè)趯?xiě)這一類(lèi)句子的時(shí)候往往會(huì)用人作主語(yǔ),而更為地道的英語(yǔ),往往都是用時(shí)間作主語(yǔ),我們也會(huì)在經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)人期刊經(jīng)??吹筋?lèi)似的表達(dá): The past several years have witnessed an exponential increase in the number of parents who wish to send their kids to art classes.
3. 重要類(lèi)
Nothing is more important than...
Sth plays quite an important role in...
Eg: Nothing is more important than to protect the environment.
Math,to some extent, plays quite an important role in students’ examination.
There is much controversy over the issue of...
Sth has given rise to a heated discussion.
Sth has caused quite a stir among the general public.
As regards sth, there has been a heated discussion among the general public.
Opinions vary greatly when it comes to sth.
而外國(guó)人注重簡(jiǎn)明易懂.如:“I did not go to school because I got the cold.”所以,我們受母語(yǔ)影響,會(huì)忘記銜接詞的使用.在這里老師給大家總結(jié)一下鏈接詞的使用方法:
1. 一般情況下,兩個(gè)句子之間,只要不存在轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,沒(méi)事就使用“and”.
Eg: I have two kids, and both of them are very clever and cute .
2. 表示原因的句子,要用“because/ because of/ in that/due to/ for/ since等.
Eg: I did not go to school because I got the cold.
3. 表示遞進(jìn)的句子,要用“furthermore/ what’s more/ moreover等.
Eg: To begin with, it goes without saying that science and technology has exerted a positive impact on the progress of civilization in the courses of our history. Furthermore/What’s more/Moreover, science and technology allows us to broaden one’s horizon....
4. 表示轉(zhuǎn)折的句子,要用“but/however/yet/nevertheless/ by contrast/while等.
Eg: Some people maintain that praise should be given to the wealth because they contribute to charity business. While others take it for granted that......
1. 單詞的多樣性.
Eg:people in growing numbers take it granted that taking exercise everyday is beneficial to our body, nevertheless, others maintain that work out, to some extent, might exert a negative influence on ours.
這里的 “taking exercise” 和“work out”為同義轉(zhuǎn)換都是鍛煉的意思.
2. 短語(yǔ)替代單詞
Make a decision 替代decide
3. 單詞的難度
低級(jí)版:it is important that....
高級(jí)版:it is vital/ of great importance/ significant that...
1. 句子的長(zhǎng)度,定語(yǔ)從句,名詞性從句,狀語(yǔ)從句,并列詞拉長(zhǎng)句子.
低級(jí)版:some people believe that the wealth have become rich can not leave the others in the society. They should contribute to the society.
高級(jí)版:Those people who hold the first opinion believe the wealth can not get rich without others in the society and they should feedback the society.
這里用一個(gè)定語(yǔ)從句修飾people,用并列連詞不僅拉長(zhǎng)了句子而且豐富了句子的多樣性,contribute to 和 feedback 為單詞的同義轉(zhuǎn)換.
2. 功能句的應(yīng)用和主動(dòng)變被動(dòng)
低級(jí)版: About these two ideas, I agree the latter one. For one thing, the wealth get their money because they work honestly and legally.
高級(jí)版:weighing up these two arguments, I am inclined to the latter one.For one thing,the wealth’s money is gotten by their honest and legal business.
3. 虛擬語(yǔ)氣倒裝句的使用等.
It is high time that we are supposed to...
Only in this way can we ....