




  1. 一般規(guī)則


  如:You, she and I are sincere friends.


  如:You, Marry and I must be in a common effort.


  如:She, I and some others like pageant(露天表演).

  2. 當(dāng)由every或each修飾并由and連接的兩個單數(shù)名詞做主語時,后面的代詞要用單數(shù);若這兩個名詞一個是陽性,一個是陰性??捎胔e/his/himself來代替。

  如:Every mother and daughter in town has been invited to the dancing party she is longing for.

  Every man and woman has his right to vote.

  3. 當(dāng)由or或nor連接的兩個名詞或代詞時,代詞要與or 或nor后面的名詞或代詞在性和數(shù)上保持一致。

  如:Either Marry and or her classmates study harder than they did before.

  4. 人稱代詞在比較分句中做主語用主格,做賓語用賓格。

  如:I trust you as much as her. 但在非正式語體中人稱代詞在比較分句中做主語,也可以用賓格,特別是這類代詞帶有all, both做同位語,通常都用賓格。



  by oneself 單獨地,獨自地

  for oneself 親自地,為自己

  of oneself 自動地,自然而然地

  in oneself 自身,本質(zhì)上

  to oneself 供自己用,專用

  2. 反身代詞用于“動詞+反身代詞+副詞”的固定搭配中。

  如:He took himself away. 走開

  She often puts herself forward. 擺架子

  Carl played a joke on Bob and gave himself away by laughing. 露出馬腳

  3. 反身代詞用于“動詞+反身代詞+介詞”的固定搭配中。

  如:The work addict surrendered himself to despair. 陷入困境

  The Earl always prides himself on having a glorious past. 炫耀

  4. 在anyone, no one, nobody 等代詞+ but 后可用第一、第二人稱反身代詞做主語,但不能用第三人稱反身代詞?! ∪纾篈nyone but yourself (myself) had been to the island girded by the sea.


  1. all, both 與of 連用時,如果of后是名詞,則可省去of,但of后如果是代詞,of則不可省。

  如:All the old men are hale and heavy.

  Both of them are idle fellows.

  All和whole 在修飾單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞時,意思往往是一樣的,然而次序不同,all用于冠詞或其他限定詞之前,而whole前必須有冠詞或其他限定詞。

  如:All the city is burning.

  The whole city is burning.

  2. no one = nobody ,僅用于人,不能與of 短語連用,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。None既能指人,又能指物,謂語動詞既可用單數(shù),也可用復(fù)試,也可與of連用。

  如:No one has read Paradise Lost up till now.

  None of us has seen an overpass.

  “none other than” 是個固定結(jié)構(gòu),意為“就是”,表示強調(diào)

  如:The new arrival was none other than the President.

  3. much 常用語下列用法中

  (be) much of a 很,更;了不起的,稱得上……的

  not so much … as 與其說……,不如說……

  (with) not /without so much as 甚至于不

  much more = still more (用于肯定句)更加

  much less= still (even) less(用于否定句)更不,更說不上

  so much so that 到如此程度,以致

  4. everyone, every one, anyone, any one

  everyone = everybody,只能指人,不能與of 連用,而every one 可指人,也可指物,可跟of 短語。

  anyone, any one 用法同上,可用于肯定句。

  5. 其他不定代詞構(gòu)成的短語

  anything of 一點兒,一點;……的味道 (用于否定句、疑問句或條件句)

  something of 在某種意義(程度)上 (用于肯定句)

  everything of 一切事物,重要的事物;完全

  nothing of 根本不,一點也不是

  anything but 除……之外的任何事物;根本不,絕不

  nothing but 僅僅