



Para1: 寫信目的

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is ______. I am writing to you for the purspose of making an apology due to my carelessness.

Para 2: 緣由, 目前感受, 解決問題, 問題解決,

As a matter of fact, the reason causing the present trouble is objective as the following. Just the other day, I caught a serious cough and stayed in bed. My head was always fainted at that time for a week, so that I didn’t finish the task you assign to me. I am so sorry for that. I wish you can understand me. I ensure you that it won’t happen next time.

Para 3: 再次道歉, 期待接受

Sincere apology to you again! I am looking forward to your forgiving in a short time.

<p text-align:="" justify;"="">最后,祝大家都能考上理想院校哦!